Arne Rawe
Hochschule Düsseldorf
Peter Behrens School of Arts
Fachbereich Design
institut bild.medien
Münsterstraße 156
40476 Düsseldorf
Senior Lecturer for Interactive Systems, Hypermedia and Systemic Design
Research goals
Skúlptúraslóð á Hólmavík – Sculpturewalk Hólmavík
Since 2019 we are building a contemporary sculpture walk within and nearby the town Hólmavík in the Icelandic Westfjords to stimulate artistic discourses and facilitate personal encounters between artists, visitors and local people.
New collaborative working processes and innovative productions in intercultural exchange are encouraged in close cooperation with local people and their ideas and needs. Goal is to establish a platform for further cultural events within a fund based flexible organisational form: seeking participation and competition with alike situations and institutions nationwide and international.
We put a special focus on research and development of digital and intermedia solutions for structurally weak communities. We are working to get more media attention on interesting projects in the area, increase educational possibilities for locals esp. younger people, and develop a better communicative and media competitiveness for likely cultural sites in rural areas. Encouraging the development of a cultural infrastructure is one of our most important tasks. Here we examine the respective impression that our suggestions and events leave and use the results for further projects.
Within the expected research program we are excited to be creating live augmented sculptures that combine the possibilities of hybrid media installations with a dynamic information and orientation system. Augmented reality and geo based data are just some of the topics here. Our goal is to ultimately map the entire environment virtually and make it available. It will then not only contain our sculptures and art projects, but also e.g. information about the place and it’s history. In addition, there should be an interaction between the virtual space and the real place, which can be accessed interactively from both sides. This creates an open live interaction that will expand and enrich our communication.
Research and development will be on site in close contact with artists to get a closer relation to not only their needs but their ideas: our journey begins with the Contemporary Sculpture Walk in Hólmavík because we believe in the creational and imaginational powers of art itself.
By establishing an international landmark for quality contemporary sculpture art we will high profile this unique place in the North as a cultural destination that matters and engages.